Cancer Research Interns Summer Program

The Cancer Research Interns Summer Program will not be held in 2025.

We encourage you to sign up for the Train at NCI Listserv to stay up to date on events and training opportunities.



  1. CRI SP program manager reviews applications to ensure eligibility requirements are met.
  2. A selection committee, consisting of NCI scientists and staff, will evaluate and select eligible applications.


All applicants will be notified of their selection for the interview process with investigators by Feb 18. Applicants who successfully match with an investigator will be accepted into the program and notified by Apr 1.

Interviews and Acceptance

Selected applicants will arrange interviews with NCI scientists and staff between notification of selection to interview and end of March. Once complete, both the applicant and the investigators will submit rankings based on their interviews. The CRI SP program administrator will then make the best possible matches based on those rankings, and extend an offer on behalf of the program and investigator.

Internship Requirements

CRI SP interns should work with their investigator to identify the best start date that meets their needs. All interns are required to attend and engage in the following activities during their fellowship:

  • NCI Summer Orientation
  • CRI SP short course
  • NIH Summer Poster Day